Sondra Greenberg
Mayor of Englewood, NJ. 1976 - 1982
Trained as an Art Teacher, Ardent Civil Rights Activist, and Promoter of Englewood's Multi Artist Festivals, Sandy Greenberg initiated the early Rehabilitation and Enhancement of Downtown Englewood over fifty years ago. Her tenure encompassed the opening of the John Harms Theatre ( forerunner to today's BergenPac ) and witnessed among other things the birth of the Englewood Historical Society.
"Finally, a magnificent opportunity for Englewood to transform the majestic, historic and architecturally distinguished, Liberty School, into a premiere High School dedicated to arts education for both present and future generations - young and old. To be able to establish a free public school under the guidance of Lincoln Center's world class, La Guardia School for the Arts, is a once in a lifetime dream come true. If the county agreed to establish the school and lease the building, Englewood would then have the financial resources to construct a community center adjacent to Mackay Park, similar to the way the Rhoda Center is positioned in
Teaneck." Sandy Greenberg