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John Devol with John Legend

Founding Director of Arts Horinzons

"As the founding director of Arts Horizons, which became the largest arts-in-education agency in the tri-state region, I often visited Washington, DC, to advocate for the arts. I’m pictured here with John Legend attending an Americans for the Arts* National Conference.

I strongly believe that the creation of the Russell C. Major High school for the Arts would benefit Bergen County, enhance the city of Englewood and especially the Palisades Avenue Commercial Corridor between BergenPAC and the Arts High School."

*Americans for the Arts is the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in business and in education.

John Devol with John Legend
Film Credits: Clennon L. King and Paul C. King 
Organization Credits: KING JORDE Cultural Projects  
Copyright 2022
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